The laboratory for advanced research in natural and synthetic chemistry was started in June 2004. At that time the college management felt the need to improve the standard of chemistry research in Vaze College. Dr. Sujata V. Bhat (retired Professor) from the Chemistry department, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay was invited to set up this Laboratory and become head to conduct the research activities of this laboratory, which include to train students for research leading to Ph. D. and M. Sc. degrees and collaborate with needy industries in their Research and development projects.

Major Research Areas

  • Synthesis and Evaluation of molecules with Pharmaceutical (Anti-HIV, Anti-malarial, Anti-Tumor, Anti-bacterial) , Agrochemical and Perfumery applications.
  • Computer–aided design synthesis and evaluation of new bioactive molecules.
  • Extraction, Isolation, Standardization, Formulation and Identification of herbal extracts/new molecules.
  • Commercial application of Natural catalysts (Microbe/Enzymes) and Synthetic catalysts.
  • Asymmetric Synthesis to produce chiral molecules.
  • Green Chemistry,Bioconversion

Research Assistance to Industries

  • S. H. Kelkar and Co. Ltd.
    Development of new molecules for Perfumery and cosmetic applications. Design of simplified and green procedures for production of perfumery chemicals.
  • Godrej Agrovet
    Development of Neem based products.
    Computer aided design, synthesis and evaluation of new herbicides.
    Improvement in the synthesis of Herbicides.
  • Sunmoon Chemicals
    Asymmetric Syntheses of taxol® (antitumor agent) and taxotere® side chains.
    Design of simplified procedures for production of these important antitumor molecules.
  • BioAmber, USA
    Synthesis of various esters of bio-succinic acid from BioAmber,
    Evaluation of cosmetic properties and commercial potential of these esters.
  • Arya Business Combine
    Forskolin estimation in Coleus forskohlii
  • Prasad Organics
    Identification of rose glycol


  • Inter-University Research Awards Avishkar Gold/Silver medals since it’s inception in 2007 every year till 2015.
  • Collaborations with National Institutes such as National Institute of Immunology, National Chemical Laboratory, Delhi University, Cancer Research Institute.
  • Conducted Short term course: Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industries.
  • Organized National Symposia.
  • Support to industries.
  • Revenue generated for maintenance.


  • Sujata V. Bhat, Ravindra D. Gaikwad and K. R. Vaze, 2015, Synthesis of chirally enriched 2,4-disubstituted tetrahydropyran-4-ol and its derivatives PCT/IN2015/000390 dated 16th October, 2015, WO2016059648 A1, Publication date April 21 2016, US patent 2017/ 0247349A1; Granted US 10,040,775 B2 Aug. 2018, WO2016059648A1,Chem Abstr 164:519633.
    This patent is also filed in other countries such as Europe, China, Japan, UAE, Mexico etc.
  • Sujata V. Bhat,Ravindra D. Gaikwad and K. R. Vaze, 2014, One-pot stereoselective synthesis of 2,4-dialkyl tetrahydropyran-4-ol and 4-acyl-2,4-dialkyl-tetrahydropyran structures for pharmaceutical and perfumery applications,, Indian application 3333/MUM/2014 dated 18/10/2014.
  • Sujata V. Bhat,S. Fernandes and K. R. Vaze, 2013, Synthesis and Perfumery applications of Novel Odorants: Synthesis of (5H)-1-benzopyran-5-one derivatives and formulations for perfumery/flavor applications, PCT Application No PCT/IN2013/000645, WO 2014/064716 A1, May 2014.
  • Sujata V. Bhat, S. Fernandes and K. R. Vaze, 2012, Synthesis and Perfumery applications of Novel Odorants: Synthesis of (5H)-1-benzopyran-5-one derivatives and formulations for perfumery/flavor applications,Indian Patent, Application No.3097/MUM/2012.

Student's Achievements

  • Dr. S. A. Singh won Gold medal in Interuniversity Research Festival AVISHKAR, 15th-17th Feb. 2007 held at RTM University, Nagpure.
  • Dr. S. A. Singh won Gold medal in Interuniversity Research Festival AVISHKAR, 10th-12h Jan. 2008 held at SNDT University, Mumbai.
  • Dr. S. A. Singh won Gold medal in Interuniversity Research Festival ANVESHAN, 14th-16th Mar. 2008 held at RTM University, Nagpur.
  • Dr. S. A. Singh won Gold medal in Interuniversity Research Festival AVISHKAR, 10th-12h Jan. 2009 held at University of Pune..
  • Dr. V. Menon won Gold medal in Interuniversity Research Festival AVISHKAR, Jan. 2010 held at Solapur.
  • Dr. G. More won 1st prize in National symposium in Emerging Trends in Life and Material Sciences, 25th Jan, 2012. held at V. G. Vaze College, Mulund .
  • Dr. S. Vasudevan won Silver medal in Interuniversity Research Festival AVISHKAR, Jan. 2011 held at Nasik.
  • Dr. Rohan Pawar Won Silver medal in Interuniversity Research Festival AVISHKAR Jan. 2014 and Young Scientist Award, Indian Chemical Society, held at Chandigarh.
  • Ms Manisha Gupta, Best Paper presentation award, National Women Science Conference, 2019 held in Mysore.

Books Authored

1) Chemistry of Natural Products
Sujata V. Bhat, B.A. Nagasampagi, Meenakshi Sivakumar
Publishers Narosa Publishers ,Springer Science & Business Media, 04-Jan-2005 – Science – 840 pages

Preface : During the last few decades, research into natural products has advanced tremendously thanks to contributions from the fields of chemistry, life sciences, food science and material sciences. Comparisons of natural products from microorganisms, lower eukaryotes, animals, higher plants and marine organisms are now well documented. This book provides an easy-to-read overview of natural products. It includes twelve chapters covering most of the aspects of natural products chemistry. Each chapter covers general introduction, nomenclature, occurrence, isolation, detection, structure elucidation both by degradation and spectroscopic techniques, biosynthesis, synthesis, biological activity and commercial applications, if any, of the compounds mentioned in each topic. Therefore it will be useful for students, other researchers and industry. The introduction to each chapter is brief and attempts only to supply general knowledge in the particular field. Furthermore, at the end of each chapter there is a list of recommended books for additional study and a list of relevant questions for practice.

2) Biomaterials, 3rd Edition Published in 2017
Sujata V. Bhat
Publishers Narosa Publishers, New Delhi , Kluwer Press, New York.
Preface: As biomaterials are used in medical devices, meeting needs in such diverse surgical disciplines as ophthalmology, cardiology, neuromuscular surgery, orthopaedics, dentistry, etc., they must have intimate contact with patient’s tissue or body fluids, providing a real physical interface which seriously restricts developments.
This book is written for those who would like to advance their knowledge of biomaterials. The subject matter of the book is divided into twelve chapters dealing with the structure and relationship of biological and man-made biomaterials. The application of these materials for various medical devices, and recent developments in tissue engineering, are also discussed.

3) Forskolin and Congeners
Sujata V. Bhat
Forskolin and congeners, Progress in Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Sringer Verlag, 62, 1-74.

Runner up research trophy from Mumbai University

  • The college is offering consultancy services in the area of biotechnology.
  • During this year, we have successfully participated (along side private
    enterprises) in an open bid to cleanse the highly polluted Lakes in Thane
    Municipality.This is a Central Government sponsored project.
  • Valued totally at Rs 1 crore.
  • Three of the students have been selected for a similar World Bank aided project
    in Madagascar.
  • Other consultancy projects relate to Enzyme Efficacy Testing and Biodiversity
    Analysis for industry.


Research Projects Amount
Major projects: DBT UGC Rs 10 Lacs 6.3 Lacs (3 Projects)
BARC BRNS Research Grant Rs 9.33 Lacs
Minor projects: University Rs.1.16 Lacs
ICSSR Rs. 0.26
Industry sponsored Rs.10 Lacs
Projects in process 10
Avishkar 2022
Category Number of Participants
Humanities , Languages and Fine Arts 10
Commerce , Management and Law 04
Pure Sciences 08
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 02
Engineering and Technology 05
Medicine and Pharmacy 08
Research Acitivity
Research Guides Science and Humanities 08
Ph D Research Students Science and Humanities 17
MSc (By Research) Awarded Science 09
PhD Awarded 10

Research promotion policy:

K.E.T. ‘s V. G. Vaze College (Autonomous) has laid out policies and procedures for Research Promotion at the Undergraduate, Post Graduate, PhD levels for students and faculty. Research is conceived as a part of the Vision and Mission of the College, as it imparts higher level academic and cognitive skills for the learners.

The Management encourages faculty to gain higher academic degrees and promotes research among them leading to valuable contribution and participation in various National and International Conferences and Seminars. The Institute has established an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell and Ethics Committee which work together with the Research and Development Cell to facilitate and support good research.

The Institute has seven PhD research centers in the departments of English, History, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Physics, Botany and Zoology.

Research objectives:

The Institute has adopted the following research objectives:

  1. To facilitate forward integration of undergraduate and post-graduate students in order to ensure that they aspire to pursue research at the seven PhD centers of the Institute.
  2. To give significant contribution to the upgradation of existing research areas and facilitate the development of expertise in emerging fields.
  3. To form educational collaborations with Premier Higher Education Institutes and Universities of National and International level.
  4. To promote interdisciplinary research in Arts, Commerce, Management, Social Sciences, Basic Sciences and Applied Sciences.
  5. To provide following facilities to students, research scholars and faculty of the Institute –
    1. Seed money and research incentives for Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Faculty research programs.
    2. Leave and financial assistance to participate in Conferences, Research Meets, Webinars etc.
    3. Workshops and Guidance Seminars to help students and faculty enhance the publication of research both qualitatively and quantitatively in reputed journals.
  6. To develop research-oriented educational experience among students by-
    1. Providing guidance to students about various Higher Education and Research Programs, organizing guided visits/tours to relevant places and guest lectures.
    2. Conducting Workshops and Seminars on Research Methodology.
    3. Encouraging and supporting to the students participating in National and International Conferences as well as Research Conventions like Aavishkar.
  7. To provide an intellectual atmosphere for collaborative research among faculty and students from various departments of the institute by –
    1. Regularly conducting the Staff Colloquium
    2. Developing multidisciplinary programs in curriculum
  8. To inspire research with a potential for commercialization by developing mutually beneficial research partnerships with other research institutes and industries for steering, funding and co-operation.
  9. To promote socially relevant research and innovation with special emphasis on Outreach Programs and initiatives that amplify the vision and mission of the Institute, especially for the integration of students coming from diverse backgrounds.
  10. To create awareness of Intellectual Property Rights through the IPR Cell and to provide support to students and faculty by –
    1. Conducting workshops and Seminars on Intellectual Property Rights and Laws.
    2. Encouraging innovation and providing guidance and support in the process of patent filing, maintenance and claims.

Code of Ethics:

  1. All the seven PhD centers of the Institute –
  2. Strictly follow all the University/UGC norms in selection of research scholars and conduction of coursework, RAC and Viva Voce.
  3. Conduct a periodic review of the progress in research by the scholars to ensure accountability.
  4. The Institute’s ethics committee ensures that the research techniques do not violate the established professional ethics, protocols pertaining to health, safety, privacy and other rights of human beings and do not inflict injury or pain on animals.
  5. The Institute practices zero tolerance towards any possible unethical practices such as plagiarism in research publication. To ensure this, the institute –
  6. Makes plagiarism-check compulsory for all research documents produced,
  7. Encourages students, researchers and faculties to use Anti-Plagiarism Software.