Students of Vaze College are entitled to receive Freeships and Scholarships under the various schemes of the Government for the weaker sections of society.
Besides the Government Schemes, we have Student Mutual Aid Fund in the College that caters to the needs of economically challenged students by lending them textbooks as well as Tuition Fee concessions.
A large number of Endowments and Memorial Awards as well as prizes for academic and extracurricular achievements have been instituted to encourage meritorious students.

Details are provided below:
Student Welfare Schemes:

Scholarships/Awards/Freeships :

There are large number of scholarships and Freeships available for needy and deserving students. Students/parents may contact the designated counter in the college office or the Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee for further information.

a)Government Scholarship :

  1. Govt. Open merit Scholarship
  2. National Merit Scholarship
  3. National Talent Search Scholarship
  4. Financial aid to Scholars
  5. National Loan Scholarship
  6. S.C.B.C. Students Scholarship
  7. E.B.C.Scholarship
  8. S.T.Students Scholarship
  9. P.T.W.; S.T.W. Scholarship
  10. SC/ST (income less than 1 Lac)
  11. NT/SBC/OBC Students Scholarship (income less than Rs. 65290 p.a.)

b) Government Free-ship :

  1. E.B.C.Freeship
  2. SC/ST (income more than 1 Lac)
  3. NT/SBC Student Freeship (income greater than Rs. 65290 p.a.)
  4. S.T.StudentFreeship
  5. P.T.W. Freeship (Provisional)
  6. S.T.W.Freeship (Provisional)
  7. OBC Freeship (income between Rs. 65291 and 3 lacs)

Students, who are in financial distress, may avail of FREE-SHIP from the college

by applying in writing to the Principal, with details of financial condition. The following scholarships/Free-ships are offered by the college for the needy and deserving students, and will be awarded to students at the discretion of the Principal and Management.

a)Post-Matric Scholarship for Minority Communities: Students belonging to Muslim, Parsi, Christian, and Boudha communities are eligible for this scholarship.

b) Collegiate Scholarship, Free-ship & Awards
1. Ramu S. Deora Scholarship (20 students)
2. T.N.Venkateshan Chemistry Scholarship (21 students)

c) Endowment Scholarships

1 Sunil Deodhar Memorial Sports Scholarship (5\ students)
2 Sandeep Kanakgiri Memorial “CPM”Scholarship (1 students)
3 Shakuntala DamodarUmrani Scholarship (3 students)
4 DamodarUmrani Memorial Scholarship (2 students)
5 Dr.P.D.Bhave Memorial Scholarship (1 students)
6 Late Vinaya Gangurde Memorial Scholarship (1 students)
7 M.S.Shanbhag Memorial Scholarship (1 students)
8 Kelkar-Vaze-SMAF Freeship for needy students
9 S.H.Kelkar Memorial Scholarship for Class Toppers (all Classes)
10 T.R. Mulla Memorial Scholarship (10 students)
11 RadhabaiVaze Memorial Scholarship for Girls (5 students)
12 RadhabaiVaze Memorial Freeship for Needy (5 students)
13 Dr.R.A.Kulkarni Memorial Scholarship  (for VCTS toppers)
14 G.D.Gokhale Memorial Endowment (needy/deserving) (20 students)
15 Late Shri Lalji Karamshi Shah Endowment (deserving) (1 students)
16 Fakruddin Adamally Endowment Scholarship for General/Sports/Needy/Deservingstudents (20 students)
17 Sujata Pabrekar Memorial Scholarship  (NSS/Extra Curricular) (2 students)
18 Shaku-la Arts Endowment Prize for Excellence in Fine Arts (2 students)
19 Trimbak Keshav Kawale (Ozarkar) endowments to meritorious students offering Physics (3 students)
20 Physics Teacher’s  Award (For Excelling in Physics) (3 students)
21 Late Vinayakprasad S. Pakhare Memorial Prize (4 students)

d) Merit Awards/ Scholarships

1 Standing First at TYBCOM  (Girl or Boy)
2 Securing highest marks in Financial Accounting& Auditing at TYBCOM (Girl or Boy)
3 Standing first in FYJC Commerce (Girl or Boy)
4 Standing first in SYJC Commerce (Girl or Boy)
5 Shirish N. Panditrao Memorial Scholarship (Topper in Marathi at University  Exam.)
6 GanitPradnyaParitoshik Topper in Maths at University Exam.)
7 T.S. Kokje Memorial Scholarship  (BMM)
8 Ramesh Ravji Thakkar Endowment (Needy/Deserving)
9 Shri.  A. D. Bhorkar Endowment Scholarship (Accountancy Topper)
10 Late Shri. Rajan Kashinath Dhotre Memorial Scholarship (TYBcom Topper)
11 Alumni 93 (Commerce Batch) Scholarship (Needy student of Commerce Faculty with consistent academic record)
12 Abha Moghe Endowment Scholarship (1 students)
13 Rotary Trust Mulund South (Needy / Deserving)
14 Late Smt. Vidya Madhav Thatte Endowment (4 students)
15 Late Shri. D.G. Karandikar Memorial Scholarship (4 Students -Toppers in i. Mathematicsat XI Sc., XI Com., XII Sc. & XII Com.)
16 Komal Keshav Khandekar Memorial Scholarship (1 students)
17 Anant Jog Scholarship (TY Zoology Topper)
18 Dr. Ms. Shubhangi Bhave (TYBSC Physics Topper)
19 N.S.S.(Junior) (College Best Volunteer)
20 Hiten Thakkar Scholarship (Needy Student)