
Examination Notices


Result Notices


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) has been implemented with effect from the academic year 2020-21

The examination comprises both Internal ( Continuous/ Formative evaluation) and External assessment ( theory and practical examinations at semester end).
Their weightage is as follows:

Internal assessment Semester end examination Total (for each course or head of passing)
40 % 60 % 100 %

The total credits to be earned by the learner to earn the Under Graduate Program degree is 120 Credits and for postgraduate courses 96 credits. The details are as given below.

Program Sem. I Sem. II Sem. III Sem. IV Sem. V Sem. VI Total Credits
Undergraduate 20 20 20 20 20 20 120
Postgraduate 24 24 24 24 96


a) Internal Assessment: It is defined as the assessment of the learner on the basis of continuous evaluation as envisaged in the credit based system by way of participation of the learner in various academic and cocurricular activities in the respective semesters of the programme.

Internal Assessment [40%] 40 Marks
1) One periodical class test 15 Marks
2) One Project or Assignment 15 marks
3) Active participation in class instructional deliveries (APCID) 10 Marks

b) Semester End Assessment: It is defined as the assessment of the learner on the basis of performance in the semester-end theory / written examination.

Semester End Assessment [60%] 60 Marks

Duration – 2 hours

Standard of Passing

  1. The learner will have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate(Internal and Semester End ) Examination to qualify each course, ie. the learner shall obtain minimum 16 out of 40 in the Internal Assessment and 24 out of 60 in Semester End Examination separately.
  2. To qualify each course minimum grade E shall be obtained by the learner in each course.

ATKT (Allowed to keep term)

ATKT rules are as per the University guidelines. For detailed ATKT rules and other provisions refer to the website of the University of Mumbai.
Students will be admitted to.

  • a) Sem-lll only if their Sem-ll Grade Card shows the Remark ATKT/PASS.
  • b) Sem-V only if their Sem-lV Grade Card shows the Remark ATKT/PASS.


Abbreviations and Formulae Used:

  • G: Grade
  • GP: Grade Points
  • C: Credits
  • CP: Credits Points
  • CG: Credits X Grades (Product of Credits & Grades)
  • ΣCG: Sum of Product of Credits & Grades points
  • ΣC: Sum of Credits points
  • SGPA: Semester Grade Point Average shall be calculated for individual semesters. (It is also designated as GPA)
  • CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average shall be calculated for the entire course by taking all semesters taken together.


The TEN (10) Point Grading System has been introduced from the year 2016-17 for UG & PG

Allotment of Course-wise Grades and Grade Points :

Grades Marks (%) Grade Points Performance
O 80 & Above 10 Outstanding
A+ 70 – 79.99 9 Excellent
A 60 – 69.99 8 Very Good
B+ 55 – 59.99 7 Good
B 50 – 54.99 6 Above Average
C 45 – 49.99 5 Average
D 40 – 44.99 4 Pass
F < 40 0 Fail

Examination Notice

Result Notice


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) has been implemented with effect from the academic year 2020-21
The examination comprises both Internal ( Continuous/ Formative evaluation) and External assessment ( theory and practical examinations at semester end).
Their weightage is as follows:

Internal assessment Semester end examination Total (for each course or head of passing)
40 % 60 % 100 %

The total credits to be earned by the learner to earn the Under Graduate Program degree is 120 Credits and for postgraduate courses 96 credits.( MSc Biotech and IT ) The details are as given below.

Program Sem. I Sem. II Sem. III Sem. IV Sem. V Sem. VI Total Credits
Undergraduate 20 20 20 20 20 20 120
Postgraduate 24 24 24 24 96


a) Internal Assessment: It is defined as the assessment of the learner on the basis of continuous evaluation as envisaged in the credit based system by way of participation of the learner in various academic and cocurricular activities in the respective semesters of the programme.

Internal Assessment [40%] 40 Marks
1) One periodical class test 15 Marks
2) One Project or Assignment 15 marks
3) Active participation in class instructional deliveries (APCID) 10 Marks

b) Semester End Assessment: It is defined as the assessment of the learner on the basis of performance in the semester-end theory / written examination.

Semester End Assessment [60%] 60 Marks

Duration – 2 hours

Standard of Passing

  1. The learner shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate(Internal and Semester End ) Examination to qualify each course, i.e. the learner shall obtain a minimum of 16 out of 40 in the Internal Assessment and 24 out of 60 in Semester End Examination separately.
  2. To qualify each course minimum grade E shall be obtained by the learner in each course.

ATKT (Allowed to keep term)

ATKT rules are as per the university guidelines. For detailed ATKT rules and other provisions refer to the website of the University of Mumbai.

Students will be admitted to.

  • a) Sem-lll only if their Sem-ll Grade Card shows the Remark ATKT/PASS.
  • b) Sem-V only if their Sem-lV Grade Card shows the Remark ATKT/PASS.


Abbreviations and Formulae Used:

  • G: Grade
  • GP: Grade Points
  • C: Credits
  • CP: Credits Points
  • CG: Credits X Grades (Product of Credits & Grades)
  • ΣCG: Sum of Product of Credits & Grades points
  • ΣC: Sum of Credits points
  • SGPA: Semester Grade Point Average shall be calculated for individual semesters. (It is also designated as GPA)
  • CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average shall be calculated for the entire course by taking all semesters taken together.


The TEN (10) Point Grading System has been introduced from the year 2016-17 for UG & PG

Allotment of Course-wise Grades and Grade Points :

Grades Marks (%) Grade Points Performance
O 80 & Above 10 Outstanding
A+ 70 – 79.99 9 Excellent
A 60 – 69.99 8 Very Good
B+ 55 – 59.99 7 Good
B 50 – 54.99 6 Above Average
C 45 – 49.99 5 Average
D 40 – 44.99 4 Pass
F < 40 0 Fail

Important Information about Examination &Assessment : – (For FYJC)

  1. Students will be evaluated for a total of 200 marks per subject (Except for EVE and Health & PE)
  2. The minimum passing marks are as follows: 70 / 200 (Average of all 4 Theory Examinations + Internal Assessment / Project / Practicals / Orals )
  3. In the Final Marksheet (After the Result of Annual Examination is declared), Marks out of 200 will be converted into Marks out of 100 by using the formula : 200 / 2/
  4. Report cards will be issued after every Examination; Dates of Report cards distribution will be notified on the college website.
  5. Parents – Teacher Meeting will be conducted in the Month of December to analyse results of I Unit Test & I Terminal Examination. Parents of only those students who score ≤ 40% Marks in any subject will be called for this Meeting.
  6. Re-Examination will be conducted for students who fail to appear for Ist Terminal and / or Annual Examination either due to ill health or if they represent college for Sports / Cultural / Academic Events. Please note Re-Examination Will Not Be Held for I & II Unit Test.
  7. Action, as per rules, will be taken, if a student is found using unfair means during an Examination.


  1. Terminal Examination : At the end of the I term or at the beginning of the II term.
  2. Preliminary Examination : In the First week of January as per the Board Pattern.
  3. Annual Examination :
    1. Theory Examination will be conducted by the State Education Board starting in the third week of February as follows :
      1. Physics, Chemistry & Biology = 70 Marks
      2. All other subjects ( Arts, Science & Commerce ) = 80 Marks.
    2. Projects / Practicals / Orals will be conducted in the college on behalf of the State Education Board as follows :
      1. Physics, Chemistry & Biology = 30 Marks
      2. All other subjects ( Arts, Science & Commerce) = 20 Marks
    3. Health & Physical Education : 25 Marks Theory & 25 Marks Practical Examination will be conducted in the college on behalf of the State Education Board. Marks scored will be converted into grades.
    4. EVE : Projects, Journal, Orals totaling to 50 Marks (internal 30 marks & external 20 marks) will be conducted in the college on behalf of the State Education Board. Marks scored will be converted into grade.
    5. Passing in all the subjects Including EVE and Health & Physical Education is necessary for clearing HSC Examination.

Examination Calendar for Junior College

  1. Terminal Examination : At the end of the I term or at the beginning of the II term.
  2. Preliminary Examination : In the First week of January as per the Board Pattern.
  3. Annual Examination :
    1. Theory Examination will be conducted by the State Education Board starting in the third week of February as follows :
      1. Physics, Chemistry & Biology = 70 Marks
      2. All other subjects ( Arts, Science & Commerce ) = 80 Marks.
    2. Projects / Practicals / Orals will be conducted in the college on behalf of the State Education Board as follows :
      1. Physics, Chemistry & Biology = 30 Marks
      2. All other subjects ( Arts, Science & Commerce) = 20 Marks
    3. Health & Physical Education : 25 Marks Theory & 25 Marks Practical Examination will be conducted in the college on behalf of the State Education Board. Marks scored will be converted into grades.
    4. EVE : Projects, Journal, Orals totaling to 50 Marks (internal 30 marks & external 20 marks) will be conducted in the college on behalf of the State Education Board. Marks scored will be converted into grade.
    5. Passing in all the subjects Including EVE and Health & Physical Education is necessary for clearing HSC Examination.

Examination Calendar for Junior College

  1. I Unit Test (FYJC) – Aug / Sept of the Academic Year.
  2. I Term Examination – (FYJC & SYJC) – 2nd / 3rd week of October.
  3. II Unit Test (FYJC) – 1st week of January.
  4. Preliminary Examination – (SYJC) – 1st Week of January.
  5. Internal Assessment –
    1. Arts & Commerce Subject – 1st / 2nd Week of February
    2. Practical & Orals (FYJC) – Jan / Feb / beginning
    3. Practical & Orals (SYJC) – as per HSC Board timetable (Mostly in January)
  6. Annual Examination – (FYJC) – 3rd / 4th week of March.
